Post by Carl Gundel on Jun 9, 2021 11:13:14 GMT -5
I will give this a try, but I thought I would put it out there for others to try. -Carl
Post by tsh73 on Jun 9, 2021 16:42:14 GMT -5
Sorry Youtube says my browser too old, so just a link to MP4 video disk.yandex.ru/i/gxJf2eQaNJfa_gI got single alien and single rocket, in 1000 bytes (if I remove upper "UpperLeftX=1: UpperLeftY=1", added just to make video) And you lose if alien safely lands on the Earth. 25 longish lines, totally unreadable Now, is it possible to make ARRAY of aliens and/or ARRAY of rockets?
Post by Carl Gundel on Jun 10, 2021 10:21:52 GMT -5
Sorry Youtube says my browser too old, so just a link to MP4 video disk.yandex.ru/i/gxJf2eQaNJfa_gI got single alien and single rocket, in 1000 bytes (if I remove upper "UpperLeftX=1: UpperLeftY=1", added just to make video) And you lose if alien safely lands on the Earth. 25 longish lines, totally unreadable Now, is it possible to make ARRAY of aliens and/or ARRAY of rockets? NICE! Are you willing to share the code?
Post by tsh73 on Jun 10, 2021 15:02:27 GMT -5
Sure. I just want to see others to try, too
Post by Carl Gundel on Jun 10, 2021 16:20:48 GMT -5
Sure. I just want to see others to try, too Good point.
Post by tsh73 on Jun 12, 2021 14:36:33 GMT -5
As I said, 1000 bytes sharp. It counts your score, too. We have B+ posted code on another forum justbasiccom.proboards.com/thread/691/missile-commandAny more participants? nomainwin:open "StopEm" for graphics_nsb_nf as #g #g "trapclose 9;down;home;posxy cx cy;when mouseMove 0; when leftButtonUp 1" b$="size 1;color black":w$="size 2;color white" x0=cx:y0=2*cy:gosub 3:w=0:timer 30, 2:wait 0 x=MouseX:y=MouseY:wait 1 w=1:tx=x:ty=y:mx=x0:my=y0:d=d(tx,x0,ty,y0)/10:dx=(tx-x0)/d:dy=(ty-y0)/d:#g "place ";x-4;" ";y+6:#g "\X":wait 2 #g "place 5 5;\\";k:rx=rx+vx:ry=ry+vy:#g b$;";line ";r0;" 0";" ";rx;" ";ry if ry>2*cy then notice "You lost":goto 9 if w=0 then wait if w=1 then #g b$: mx=mx+dx:my=my+dy if d(mx,my,tx,ty)<11 then w=2:#g w$ #g "line ";x0;" ";y0;" ";mx;" ";my else #g "place ";tx;" ";ty:#g b$;";circlefilled ";r if d(rx,ry,tx,ty)<r then k=k+1:#g w$;";line ";r0;" 0";" ";rx;" ";ry;";";b$: gosub 3 if r>20 then #g w$;";circlefilled ";r;";";b$:r=0:w=0 r=r+2 end if wait 3 rx=2*cx*rnd(0):ry=0:r0=rx:qx=2*cx*rnd(0):qy=y0:d=d(rx,ry,qx,qy)/2:vx=(qx-rx)/d:vy=(qy-ry)/d: return 9 close #g:end function d(x,y,a,b) d=sqr((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2) end function
Post by Carl Gundel on Jun 15, 2021 10:10:05 GMT -5
I am planning to present something also.
Post by tsh73 on Jun 16, 2021 7:50:31 GMT -5
1076 1058 1019 999 bytes. Do you know how much space I need to save? "I need this space!."I did it. Now, such code brought BASIC it's bad reputation Impossible to read. All strings glued into longish ones as possible. All variables ^H to random single letter. There was "win" condition - removed for size. Now if you live long enough for array to end (Subscript out of range: 26, r())- consider yourself won (Now I cannot replicate this on touchpad)(Could be done with a mouse) Trapclose - removed for size (jumps to missing label if game is lost) BUT now you indeed have array of enemy rockets, and you can wipe several enemies with your rocket. nomainwin:open "" for graphics as #g:#g "down;home;posxy X Y;when mouseMove 0; when leftButtonUp 1":b$="size 1;color black":w$="size 2;color white":c$=";circlefilled ":dim r(25,6):z=2*Y:w=0:timer 30,4:wait 4 if A<5 and rnd(0)<.05 then I=I+1:A=A+1:r(I,0)=1:R=2*X*rnd(0):r(I,1)=R:r(I,3)=R:Q=2*X*rnd(0):d=d(r,0,Q,z):r(I,5)=(Q-R)/d:r(I,6)=z/d #g b$:for i=1 to I:if r(i,0)=0 then 8 r(i,3)=r(i,3)+r(i,5):r(i,4)=r(i,4)+r(i,6):gosub 6:if r(i,4)>z then 9 8 next if w=0 then wait if w=1 then M=M+D:N=N+E:if d(M,N,T,S)<11 then w=2:#g w$ #g "line ";X;" ";z;" ";M;" ";N else #g b$;";place ";T;" ";S;c$;r:for i = 1 to I:if r(i,0)=0 then 7 if d(r(i,3),r(i,4),T,S)<r then #g w$:gosub 6:r(i,0)=0:A=A-1:#g b$ 7 next r=r+2:if r>20 then #g w$;c$;r;";";b$:r=0:w=0 end if:wait 6 #g "line ";r(i,1);" 0 ";r(i,3);" ";r(i,4):return 0 x=MouseX:y=MouseY:wait 1 w=1:T=x:S=y:M=X:N=z:d=d(T,X,S,z)/10:D=(T-X)/d:E=(S-z)/d:#g "place ";x-4;" ";y+6;";\X":wait function d(x,y,a,b) d=sqr((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2) end function Interesting(?) bit. There are two CONTINUE statements in this code, THEN [GOTO] 7 and THEN [GOTO] 8
Post by Carl Gundel on Jun 16, 2021 8:53:46 GMT -5
1076 1058 1019 999 bytes. Do you know how much space I need to save? "I need this space!."I did it. Now, such code brought BASIC it's bad reputation Impossible to read. Yeah, looks like old VIC-20 code or similar. See that line numbers are useful for something (saving memory in this case). Get rid of nomainwin to save even more.
Post by tsh73 on Jun 16, 2021 8:56:15 GMT -5
If LB supported X=some_calculation goto X
it would be even more useful
Post by tsh73 on Jun 16, 2021 9:01:00 GMT -5
There not much one could put in 10 bytes. If I could put trapclose back under 1000 bytes I would get rid of nomainwin. Now it just doesn't fit, so no point.
Post by Carl Gundel on Jun 16, 2021 9:20:16 GMT -5
There not much one could put in 10 bytes. If I could put trapclose back under 1000 bytes I would get rid of nomainwin. Now it just doesn't fit, so no point. Why do you need the :wait at the end of the first line?
Post by tsh73 on Jun 16, 2021 12:58:25 GMT -5
Thanks. I reimplemented label 9 so now program normally ends on "lose" outcome (got reports that it crashed with whole BASIC)
open "" for graphics as #g:#g "down;home;posxy X Y;when mouseMove 0; when leftButtonUp 1":b$="size 1;color black":w$="size 2;color white":c$=";circlefilled ":dim r(25,6):z=2*Y:w=0:timer 30,4 4 if A<5 and rnd(0)<.05 then I=I+1:A=A+1:r(I,0)=1:R=2*X*rnd(0):r(I,1)=R:r(I,3)=R:Q=2*X*rnd(0):d=d(r,0,Q,z):r(I,5)=(Q-R)/d:r(I,6)=z/d #g b$:for i=1 to I:if r(i,0)=0 then 8 r(i,3)=r(i,3)+r(i,5):r(i,4)=r(i,4)+r(i,6):gosub 6:if r(i,4)>z then 9 8 next if w=0 then wait if w=1 then M=M+D:N=N+E:if d(M,N,T,S)<11 then w=2:#g w$ #g "line ";X;" ";z;" ";M;" ";N else #g b$;";place ";T;" ";S;c$;r:for i = 1 to I:if r(i,0)=0 then 7 if d(r(i,3),r(i,4),T,S)<r then #g w$:gosub 6:r(i,0)=0:A=A-1:#g b$ 7 next r=r+2:if r>20 then #g w$;c$;r;";";b$:r=0:w=0 end if:wait 6 #g "line ";r(i,1);" 0 ";r(i,3);" ";r(i,4):return 0 x=MouseX:y=MouseY:wait 1 w=1:T=x:S=y:M=X:N=z:d=d(T,X,S,z)/10:D=(T-X)/d:E=(S-z)/d:#g "place ";x-4;" ";y+6;";\X":wait 9 close #g:end function d(x,y,a,b) d=sqr((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2) end function