Post by tsh73 on Mar 31, 2022 15:39:56 GMT -5
a tile I found very old PSP (PaintShopPro) salvaged from old computer (folder was named progs.311, go figure) made 16-color image created palette from QBcolors (it's just a text file) loaded that palette then pasted googled sunflower to that image. PSP did all the dithering - much better then I could. Now, I changed checkered BG to this tile and got - this Up and down of the picture does not fit much. Probably time to change from paletted image to full color 'https://retrobasic.allbasic.info/index.php?topic=721.0 'converting to JB. Tsh73 Feb 2022
desiredWidth = 320 desiredHeight = 200 'desiredWidth = 640 'desiredHeight = 480 desiredWidth = 400 desiredHeight = 300 gosub [ajustWindow] UpperLeftX = 1 UpperLeftY = 1
open "rayTrace" for graphics_nsb as #gr #gr, "trapclose [quit]" #gr, "home ; down ; posxy x y" #gr, "fill white" 'x, y give us width, height scrw = 2*x : scrh = 2*y
' 10 PAPER 0: INK 15: CLS: dim palette$(255) gosub [initQBcolors] for i = 0 to 15: palette$(i)=qb$(i):next ' palette 16,255,255,255: palette$(16)="255 255 255" ' palette 32,0,192,255: palette$(32)="0 192 255" ' palette 255,0,0,192: palette$(255)="0 0 192" ' rainbow 16 to 32: call rainbow 16, 32 ' rainbow 32 to 255 call rainbow 32, 255
dim a(1,1) 'to be redimmed gosub [readTile] x0=-0.25:z0=1.6 'tile origin read spheres DIM c(spheres,3),r(spheres),q(spheres),cl(4) w=scrw/2:h=scrh/2:s=0 cl(1)=6:cl(2)=1 'dark yellow, dark blue 'cl(3)=cl(1)+8:cl(4)=cl(2)+8 FOR k=1 TO spheres READ c1,c2,c3,r c(k,1)=c1:c(k,2)=c2:c(k,3)=c3 r(k)=r:q(k)=r*r NEXT k
data 1 DATA 0.3,-0.8,3,0.7
data 6 DATA -0.3,-0.8,3,0.6 DATA 0.9,-1.4,3.5,0.35 data 0.7,-0.45,2.5,0.4 data -0.5,-0.3,1.5,0.15 DATA 1.0,-0.2,1.5,0.1 DATA -0.1,-0.2,1.25,0.2
t0=time$("ms") 'main loop start FOR i=1 TO scrh print , i FOR j=0 TO scrw-1 SCAN 'so we could break it x=0.3:y=-0.5:z=0:ba=1 'ba=1 is light (+8), 0 is shadow dx=j-w:dy=h-i:dz=(scrh/480)*600 dd=dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz [recurs] n=0-(y>=0 OR dy<=0) IF n=0 THEN s=0-y/dy FOR k=1 TO spheres px=c(k,1)-x:py=c(k,2)-y:pz=c(k,3)-z pp=px*px+py*py+pz*pz sc=px*dx+py*dy+pz*dz IF sc<=0 THEN GOTO [continueK] bb=sc*sc/dd aa=q(k)-pp+bb IF aa<=0 THEN GOTO [continueK] sc=(SQR (bb)-SQR (aa))/SQR (dd) IF sc<s OR n<0 THEN n=k:s=sc [continueK] NEXT k
IF n<0 THEN 'plot ink 16+(dy*dy/dd)*240;j,scrh-i c = int(16+(dy*dy/dd)*240) '#gr "color ";c;" ";c;" ";c if lastCol<>c then 'prevent extra color switching - JB speed-up #gr "color ";palette$(c) lastCol=c end if #gr "set ";j;" ";scrh-i goto [continueJ] end if dx=dx*s:dy=dy*s:dz=dz*s:dd=dd*s*s x=x+dx:y=y+dy:z=z+dz IF n<>0 THEN nx=x-c(n,1):ny=y-c(n,2):nz=z-c(n,3) nn=nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz l=2*(dx*nx+dy*ny+dz*nz)/nn dx=dx-nx*l:dy=dy-ny*l:dz=dz-nz*l GOTO [recurs] 'really only GOTO end if FOR k=1 TO spheres u=c(k,1)-x v=c(k,3)-z IF u*u+v*v<=q(k) THEN ba=0 'shadow exit for end if NEXT k ik=a((x mod 1 +(x<0))*100, (z mod 1 +(z<0))*100) '1x1 if ba=0 and ik>8 then ik=ik-8 'plot ink ik;j,scrh-i '#gr "color ";ik;" ";ik;" ";ik if lastCol<>ik then 'prevent extra color switching #gr "color ";palette$(ik) lastCol=ik end if #gr "set ";j;" ";scrh-i [continueJ] NEXT j NEXT i ' 210 print at 0,0;transparent 1;ink 0;"Time: ";(msecs-t)/1000;" secs": ' pause 0:
#gr, "flush" print "Time: ";(time$("ms")-t0)/1000;" secs" wait
'==================== [quit] close #gr end
[ajustWindow] ' this code demonstrates ajusting window height, width to get desired drawing space (like, 400x300) WindowWidth = 200 '100 seems to be too much - works different WindowHeight = 100 open "Ajusting..." for graphics_nsb as #gr ' graphics ' graphics_nsb ' graphics_nsb_nf #gr, "home ; down ; posxy x y" 'x, y give us width, height width = 2*x : height = 2*y close #gr
slackX = 200-width slackY = 100-height WindowWidth = desiredWidth + slackX WindowHeight = desiredHeight + slackY return
[initQBcolors] dim qb$(15) 'thanks Andy Amaya qb$( 0) = " 0 0 0" 'black qb$( 1) = " 0 0 128" 'blue qb$( 2) = " 8 128 8" 'green qb$( 3) = " 0 128 128" 'cyan qb$( 4) = "128 0 0" 'red qb$( 5) = "128 0 128" 'magenta qb$( 6) = "128 64 32" 'brown qb$( 7) = "168 168 168" 'white qb$( 8) = "128 128 128" 'grey qb$( 9) = " 84 84 252" 'light blue qb$(10) = " 42 252 42" 'light green qb$(11) = " 0 220 220" 'light cyan qb$(12) = "255 0 0" 'light red qb$(13) = "255 84 255" 'light magenta qb$(14) = "255 255 0" 'yellow qb$(15) = "255 255 255" 'bright white return
sub rainbow startIdx, stopIdx r0=val(word$(palette$(startIdx),1)) r1=val(word$(palette$(stopIdx),1)) g0=val(word$(palette$(startIdx),2)) g1=val(word$(palette$(stopIdx),2)) b0=val(word$(palette$(startIdx),3)) b1=val(word$(palette$(stopIdx),3)) for i = startIdx+1 to stopIdx-1 a=1-(stopIdx-i)/(stopIdx-startIdx) 'startIdx..stopIdx -> 0..1 R=int(r0*(1-a) + r1*a) G=int(g0*(1-a) + g1*a) B=int(b0*(1-a) + b1*a) palette$(i)=R;" ";G;" ";B next end sub
[readTile] fname$="tile0.bmp" fname$="tile1.bmp"
call GetBmpDimensions fname$, width, height print width, height redim a(width, height) dim qbR(15), qbG(15), qbB(15) for i = 0 to 15 qbR(i)=val(word$(qb$(i),1)) qbG(i)=val(word$(qb$(i),2)) qbB(i)=val(word$(qb$(i),3)) next print "reading tile..." open fname$ for input as #1 ll=lof(#1) seek #1, 54 'for j = height-1 to 0 step -1 'as bitmap stored for j = 0 to height-1 'but I happen to need it upside down for i = 0 to width-1 a$=input$(#1, 3) R=asc(mid$(a$,3,1)) G=asc(mid$(a$,2,1)) B=asc(mid$(a$,1,1)) for c = 0 to 15 if max(max(abs(qbR(c)-R), abs(qbG(c)-G)), abs(qbB(c)-B))<10 then a(i,j)=c: exit for next next next close #1 print " tile read!"
sub GetBmpDimensions fileName$, byref width, byref height open fileName$ for input as #gbd temp$ = input$(#gbd, 24) close #gbd width = asc(mid$(temp$, 19, 1))+asc(mid$(temp$, 20, 1))*256 height = asc(mid$(temp$, 23, 1))+asc(mid$(temp$, 24, 1))*256 end sub
Post by tsh73 on Apr 1, 2022 11:48:22 GMT -5
Ok I spent some more time and put it all together. Sunflower tile - - but of course you can use any 100x100 bitmap! (I saved it via Paint to made it 24bpp, BGR bytes from position 54, program just reads it in) and now - done that uses full color tiles (well, I omit shadow under spheres) and B+ egg shape. BTW in the code there are DATA segments for 1 big sphere or 6 smaller ones. If you comment previous segment out next segment will work! 'https://retrobasic.allbasic.info/index.php?topic=721.0 'converting to JB. Tsh73 Feb/Mar/Apr 2022
'full color bg (+ some shading) '+egg shape by B+
desiredWidth = 320 desiredHeight = 200 'desiredWidth = 640 'desiredHeight = 480 ' desiredWidth = 400 ' desiredHeight = 300 gosub [ajustWindow] UpperLeftX = 1 UpperLeftY = 1
open "rayTrace" for graphics_nsb as #gr #gr, "trapclose [quit]" #gr, "home ; down ; posxy x y" #gr, "fill white" 'x, y give us width, height scrw = 2*x : scrh = 2*y
' 10 PAPER 0: INK 15: CLS: dim palette$(255) gosub [initQBcolors] for i = 0 to 15: palette$(i)=qb$(i):next ' palette 16,255,255,255: palette$(16)="255 255 255" ' palette 32,0,192,255: palette$(32)="0 192 255" ' palette 255,0,0,192: palette$(255)="0 0 192" ' rainbow 16 to 32: call rainbow 16, 32 ' rainbow 32 to 255 call rainbow 32, 255
dim a$(1,1) 'to be redimmed gosub [readTile] 'x0=-0.25:z0=1.6 'tile origin read spheres DIM c(spheres,3),r(spheres),q(spheres),cl(4) w=scrw/2:h=scrh/2:s=0 FOR k=1 TO spheres READ c1,c2,c3,r c(k,1)=c1:c(k,2)=c2:c(k,3)=c3 r(k)=r:q(k)=r*r NEXT k
'''49 spheres making a smooth egg shape data 49 data -0.15,-0.6,1.5,0.1838116 data -0.13732143,-0.6,1.5,0.19432986 data -0.12464286,-0.6,1.5,0.20467506 data -0.11196429,-0.6,1.5,0.21483802 data -0.99285714e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.22480967 data -0.86607143e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.23458114 data -0.73928571e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.24414373 data -0.06125,-0.6,1.5,0.25348892 data -0.48571429e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.26260839 data -0.35892857e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.27149402 data -0.23214286e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.2801379 data -0.10535714e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.28853232 data 0.21428571e-2,-0.6,1.5,0.29666983 data 0.14821429e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.30454316 data 0.0275,-0.6,1.5,0.31214531 data 0.40178571e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.31946951 data 0.52857143e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.32650924 data 0.65535714e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.33325823 data 0.78214286e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.33971047 data 0.90892857e-1,-0.6,1.5,0.34586021 data 0.10357143,-0.6,1.5,0.35170198 data 0.11625,-0.6,1.5,0.35723058 data 0.12892857,-0.6,1.5,0.36244108 data 0.14160714,-0.6,1.5,0.36732884 data 0.15428571,-0.6,1.5,0.37188951 data 0.16696429,-0.6,1.5,0.37611904 data 0.17964286,-0.6,1.5,0.38001365 data 0.19232143,-0.6,1.5,0.38356987 data 0.205,-0.6,1.5,0.38678454 data 0.21767857,-0.6,1.5,0.38965481 data 0.23035714,-0.6,1.5,0.3921781 data 0.24303571,-0.6,1.5,0.39435217 data 0.25571429,-0.6,1.5,0.3961751 data 0.26839286,-0.6,1.5,0.39764525 data 0.28107143,-0.6,1.5,0.39876131 data 0.29375,-0.6,1.5,0.3995223 data 0.30642857,-0.6,1.5,0.39992753 data 0.31910714,-0.6,1.5,0.39997665 data 0.33178571,-0.6,1.5,0.3996696 data 0.34446429,-0.6,1.5,0.39900667 data 0.35714286,-0.6,1.5,0.39798844 data 0.36982143,-0.6,1.5,0.39661583 data 0.3825,-0.6,1.5,0.39489004 data 0.39517857,-0.6,1.5,0.39281263 data 0.40785714,-0.6,1.5,0.39038543 data 0.42053571,-0.6,1.5,0.38761061 data 0.43321429,-0.6,1.5,0.38449065 data 0.44589286,-0.6,1.5,0.38102832 data 0.45857143,-0.6,1.5,0.37722669
'''single big sphere data 1 DATA 0.3,-0.8,3,0.7
'''src 6 spheres data 6 DATA -0.3,-0.8,3,0.6 DATA 0.9,-1.4,3.5,0.35 data 0.7,-0.45,2.5,0.4 data -0.5,-0.3,1.5,0.15 DATA 1.0,-0.2,1.5,0.1 DATA -0.1,-0.2,1.25,0.2
shadeFactor = .5 'actually feels ok
t0=time$("ms") 'main loop start FOR i=1 TO scrh print , i FOR j=0 TO scrw-1 SCAN 'so we could break it x=0.3:y=-0.5:z=0:ba=1 'ba=1 is light, 0 is shadow '- not used with fullColor BG (unless you write color darker procedure) dx=j-w:dy=h-i:dz=(scrh/480)*600 dd=dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz [recurs] n=0-(y>=0 OR dy<=0) IF n=0 THEN s=0-y/dy FOR k=1 TO spheres px=c(k,1)-x:py=c(k,2)-y:pz=c(k,3)-z pp=px*px+py*py+pz*pz sc=px*dx+py*dy+pz*dz IF sc<=0 THEN GOTO [continueK] bb=sc*sc/dd aa=q(k)-pp+bb IF aa<=0 THEN GOTO [continueK] sc=(SQR (bb)-SQR (aa))/SQR (dd) IF sc<s OR n<0 THEN n=k:s=sc [continueK] NEXT k
IF n<0 THEN c = int(16+(dy*dy/dd)*240) color$=palette$(c) if lastCol$<>color$ then 'prevent extra color switching #gr "color ";color$ lastCol$=color$ end if
#gr "set ";j;" ";scrh-i goto [continueJ] end if dx=dx*s:dy=dy*s:dz=dz*s:dd=dd*s*s x=x+dx:y=y+dy:z=z+dz IF n<>0 THEN nx=x-c(n,1):ny=y-c(n,2):nz=z-c(n,3) nn=nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz l=2*(dx*nx+dy*ny+dz*nz)/nn dx=dx-nx*l:dy=dy-ny*l:dz=dz-nz*l GOTO [recurs] 'really only GOTO end if ''shading FOR k=1 TO spheres u=c(k,1)-x v=c(k,3)-z IF u*u+v*v<=q(k) THEN ba=0 'shadow exit for end if NEXT k xt=(x mod 1 +(x<0))*99.99 yt=(z mod 1 +(z<0))*99.99 '100 out of tile pixels color$=a$(xt, yt) '1x1 if ba=0 then R=val(word$(color$,1)) G=val(word$(color$,2)) B=val(word$(color$,3)) color$ = int(R*shadeFactor);" ";int(G*shadeFactor);" ";int(B*shadeFactor) end if if lastCol$<>color$ then 'prevent extra color switching #gr "color ";color$ lastCol$=color$ end if #gr "set ";j;" ";scrh-i [continueJ] NEXT j #gr, "discard" NEXT i
#gr, "getbmp bmp 0 0 ";desiredWidth;" ";desiredHeight #gr, "drawbmp bmp 0 0" #gr, "flush" print "Time: ";(time$("ms")-t0)/1000;" secs" wait
'==================== [quit] close #gr end
[ajustWindow] ' this code demonstrates ajusting window height, width to get desired drawing space (like, 400x300) WindowWidth = 200 '100 seems to be too much - works different WindowHeight = 100 open "Ajusting..." for graphics_nsb as #gr ' graphics ' graphics_nsb ' graphics_nsb_nf #gr, "home ; down ; posxy x y" 'x, y give us width, height width = 2*x : height = 2*y close #gr
slackX = 200-width slackY = 100-height WindowWidth = desiredWidth + slackX WindowHeight = desiredHeight + slackY return
[initQBcolors] dim qb$(15) 'thanks Andy Amaya qb$( 0) = " 0 0 0" 'black qb$( 1) = " 0 0 128" 'blue qb$( 2) = " 8 128 8" 'green qb$( 3) = " 0 128 128" 'cyan qb$( 4) = "128 0 0" 'red qb$( 5) = "128 0 128" 'magenta qb$( 6) = "128 64 32" 'brown qb$( 7) = "168 168 168" 'white qb$( 8) = "128 128 128" 'grey qb$( 9) = " 84 84 252" 'light blue qb$(10) = " 42 252 42" 'light green qb$(11) = " 0 220 220" 'light cyan qb$(12) = "255 0 0" 'light red qb$(13) = "255 84 255" 'light magenta qb$(14) = "255 255 0" 'yellow qb$(15) = "255 255 255" 'bright white return
sub rainbow startIdx, stopIdx r0=val(word$(palette$(startIdx),1)) r1=val(word$(palette$(stopIdx),1)) g0=val(word$(palette$(startIdx),2)) g1=val(word$(palette$(stopIdx),2)) b0=val(word$(palette$(startIdx),3)) b1=val(word$(palette$(stopIdx),3)) for i = startIdx+1 to stopIdx-1 a=1-(stopIdx-i)/(stopIdx-startIdx) 'startIdx..stopIdx -> 0..1 R=int(r0*(1-a) + r1*a) G=int(g0*(1-a) + g1*a) B=int(b0*(1-a) + b1*a) palette$(i)=R;" ";G;" ";B next end sub
[readTile] ' fname$="tile0.bmp" ' fname$="tile1.bmp" fname$="tile2.bmp"
er$=ckhTile$(fname$) if er$<>"" then print tab(3);er$ print print "Program needs 100x100 BMP file 24 bit per pixel" print "Open your picture in Paint and Save As 24 bit BMP file" print input "-=* press Enter to quit *=-"; dummy$ goto [quit] else call GetBmpDimensions fname$, width, height if width<>100 or height<>100 then print "supposed to get 100x100, got ";width;"x";height;" instead" end if redim a$(width, height) print "reading tile..." open fname$ for input as #1 ll=lof(#1) seek #1, 54 'for j = height-1 to 0 step -1 'as bitmap stored for j = 0 to height-1 'but I happen to need it upside down for i = 0 to width-1 a$=input$(#1, 3) R=asc(mid$(a$,3,1)) G=asc(mid$(a$,2,1)) B=asc(mid$(a$,1,1)) a$(i,j)=R;" ";G;" ";B next next close #1 print " tile read!"
sub GetBmpDimensions fileName$, byref width, byref height open fileName$ for input as #gbd temp$ = input$(#gbd, 24) close #gbd width = asc(mid$(temp$, 19, 1))+asc(mid$(temp$, 20, 1))*256 height = asc(mid$(temp$, 23, 1))+asc(mid$(temp$, 24, 1))*256 end sub
function toReadable$(a$) b$="" for i = 1 to len(a$) c=asc(mid$(a$,i,1)) if c>32 and c <128 then b$=b$+mid$(a$,i,1) else b$=b$+"." next toReadable$=b$ end function
function ckhTile$(fileName$) 'returns error message open fileName$ for input as #gbd temp$ = input$(#gbd, 54) close #gbd if left$(temp$,2)<>"BM" then ckhTile$="Not a valid BMP file, check first 10 bytes: " _ +toReadable$(left$(temp$,10)) exit function end if bpp = asc(mid$(temp$, 29, 1))+asc(mid$(temp$, 30, 1))*256 if bpp<>24 then ckhTile$="Expected 24 bpp BMP, got ";bpp end function